Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser Resurfacing


What is Halo?

Halo is the latest advancement in aesthetic lasers that combines ablative and non-ablative technology into one treatment. It is the only aesthetic laser currently available with this hybrid technology that combines two distinct laser wavelengths (ablative and non-ablative) to target your skin concerns on several levels. Ablative wavelengths target and treat the skin for surface level conditions such as textural issues and pore size. The thermal treatment on the surface of the skin from ablative wavelength part of the Halo treatment kickstarts production of new, healthy skin for visible results in a short period of time.

The non ablative wavelength part of the Halo treatment targets deeper sun damage and other pigmentary issues. They remove the epidermal layer and encourage collagen production on a deeper level, producing a synergistic skin resurfacing and skin tightening effect. Together these wavelengths provide both short and long term benefits to a wide variety of guests.

What does Halo treat?

Halo precisely targets damaged skin to improve the visible signs of aging

  • Areas of pigmentation
  • Sun damage
  • Visible signs of aging
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Enlarged pores
  • Poor skin texture
  • Fine lines
  • Acne scarring

What can Halo do for you?

The combination of ablative and non ablative technology offers the best of both worlds by delivering amazing results with little downtime. As we get older the collagen in the skin breaks down naturally and the body produces less as time passes. HALO addresses this issue by penetrating the deeper layers of the skin. This process stimulates new collagen, the backbone of smooth, healthy, youthful skin. Halo also ablates micro laser channels into the epidermis, which will improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Photo taken one month post treatment. These photos are presented with the consent of this patient. Individual results may vary.


What results can I expect after a HALO treatment?

  • Halo is a complete skin revitalization laser treatment. You will see overall improvements in your skin, including a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, reduced pore size, improved skin reflectivity and glow, and significant removal of discoloration.

How many treatments do you need?

  • The great thing about HALO is that you choose how many treatments you want. Discuss your needs with your provider and you can choose to have one or two more aggressive treatments or have multiple treatments that are less aggressive and achieve a similar goal over a longer period of time.

What happens during a HALO treatment?

  • Your provider may place a topical anesthetic on your skin to reduce the sensation during the procedure thirty minutes to one hour before the treatment. The area will be measured with motion tracking technology to ensure the area is treated evenly. Your provider will treat each measured area by uniformly passing the HALO handpiece over your skin until the system recognizes the treatment is complete.

What does HALO feel like?

  • With a topical anesthetic and integrated cooling technology, patients typically experience very little discomfort. After the treatment, most patients will continue to feel warm for an additional 30-60 minutes, or slightly longer with deeper treatment levels.

When will I see the results?

  • You will see initial results between 2-5 days after treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see the greatest improvement within 2-3 weeks. This is followed by a dermal regeneration phase that continues to improve for months.

How long will my results last?

  • Halo will give you significant improvements with your pigmentation, age spots, and sun damage. Our skin will invariably become damaged by the sun with our daily and recreational activities over time Protect your skin from UV damage to preserve your result.