Lower Eyelid Surgery

Woman with closed eyes

At First Sight

It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. When two people first meet, in most cultures it is polite custom to look each other in the eyes. Yet eyes are one of the first areas of the face to show signs of aging. As we age, the curtain that holds the fat in place in the lower eyelid, the orbital septum, begins to weaken and sag. As a result, bulges and bags form in the lower eyelid area, causing individuals to look tired, un-rested. These changes can sometimes be hereditary and seen as early as in our 20s or even earlier. Lower eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can help address lower eyelid puffiness or bags so you look as young and rested as you feel!

Our expert care team helps tailor your lower eyelid surgery to address your individual anatomy and goals. Our board-certified surgeons are passionate about creating natural and rejuvenated results. Contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your lower eyelid goals today!

The Lower Eyelid Surgery Procedure

Lower eyelid surgery is a short procedure that can often produce dramatic results. We offer a variety of lower eyelid surgery options depending on your anatomy and goals. Our experienced team is trained in the latest, state-of-the-art lower eyelid surgery techniques that include transconjunctival approaches, where the incision is hidden on the inside of the eyelid, sub-ciliary approaches, where the incision is camouflaged just under the eyelashes, and fat-repositioning approaches, where the excess fat is re-draped over hollows under the lower eyelid bulges that some develop with aging. They will work with you to help you determine the best approach for you.

During your consultation, our board-certified surgeons will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan. Your procedure may be performed under local anesthesia or with IV sedation. Depending on the approach you and your surgeon choose, your incision may be inside of your eyelid or hidden under your eyelashes.  An incision hidden on the inside of your lower eyelid allows your surgeon to remove and contour the bulging fat causing the puffiness or bags, while an incision through the skin, hidden under the eyelashes allows your surgeon to also remove excess skin while addressing the lower eyelid puffiness. Great care is taken to avoid taking too much fat to avoid an unnatural, hollow appearance. If your lower eyelids and crow’s feet area have a significant amount of crepe-like skin, your surgeon may also recommend laser skin resurfacing.

Recovery & Results

Our team will discuss all aspects of your procedure and recovery during your consultation. It is important to plan to have a driver available to take you home following your procedure. Following surgery, there may be very mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising around the surgical area. Most individuals can return to public as soon as the day after surgery if they are comfortable with some mild visible bruising. Light work activity may be resumed as soon as one to two days following your procedure. If an incision is made in the skin, make-up may be worn on the incision line at seven days post-procedure.*

*Individual results and recovery may vary.  

Deciding If Lower Eyelid Surgery Is Right For You?

We will work closely with you to customize a care plan that is tailored to meet your needs. Our board-certified surgeons provide the latest approaches in lower eyelid surgery. During your personalized one-on-one consultation, our team can help you determine what which type of lower eyelid surgery is right for you. To schedule your consultation, contact us today!